English 日本語
If you need lawyer’s help in Oita, make access to Oita Flower Law Office
Oita Flower Law Office
Mon.to Fri.: 9:00~18:00

Brief Consultation by e-mail

You can use this service to decide whether you need to make an appointment or not.

Some visitors come to office to get legal advice on problems which can be easily solved by just asking a few questions. They come to a law office just in case or just to confirm their idea.

We provide this brief consultation service by e-mail. Through this service, we can provide brief and simple legal advice by e-mail.

Fill in the following form and let us know an outline of your problem. We’ll reply by an e-mail within 3 working days after we receive your mail. If you don’t get our reply, please call us or send this form again.

Fee for this service is 1000yen(with consumption tax excluded) per one e-mail.(Only payment through bank transfer service is available. ) Bank account to which the fee should be remitted will be written in the reply mail.

With the information in your e-mail, attorney in our office will answer your questions like ◆whether you should come to a law office to meet a lawyer, ◆what kind of legal measures can be taken to solve your problems, ◆how long and how much it is expected to take to solve your problem through legal process ◆what kind of risk could be assumed if you leave your problem untreated.

Brief Consultation Form


*You cannot make a contract with a lawyer only by sending this form.

*If you want to consult with a lawyer based on specific facts, please make an appointment and come to our office.

*We cannot make a reply to an anonymous e-mail, or without knowing the other party’s name since we have to check if there is any conflict of interests.